Riverside UMC Jacksonville FL |        Prayer      Give            
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Adult Sunday School


(Rm 204, 2nd floor )


This class is an exciting group of single & married people within a wide range of ages who wish to share in fellowship and grow in their faith.  The class promotes an open forum discussion style that offers diversity and never a dull moment!



(Rm 202, 2nd floor )





Men's Ministry


The Riverside Park Men's Fellowship is a group of men whose mission is to support the spiritual growth opportunities for all men of the church and to help them to mature as disciples as they encourage spiritual formation in others.  


When We Meet:    3rd Saturday at 9:00 a.m.



Women's Ministry

Riverside Park UMC has two active Women in Mission circles. They are Circle of Joy and Peace and Circle of Hope. Each circle meets monthly and supports local missions such as PACE Center for Girls, City Rescue Mission, and Bayview Elementary.


Circle of Joy & Peace

Third Wednesday at 11:00 am

Fellowship Hall


Circle of Hope

Second Thursday at 11:00 am

Church Parlor


Sisters of Service

Third Tuesday at 7:00 pm

Church Parlor